About Machakos Co-operative Union
Machakos Cooperative Union (MCU) is an umbrella organization for 81 primary organizations spread across 15 sub counties in Machakos and Makueni counties. The original purpose behind the establishment of the Union in the 1960s was to assist primary coffee farmers’ societies to grow and market their coffee. Over the years the Union has grown and expanded its membership to include primary producers in handicrafts and dairy sectors.
These primary organizations which comprise of cooperatives and women groups are serving over 60,000 individual members. We assist the cooperatives and groups to access markets both local and international. In doing so, we work with partners to build capacity, improve production and ensure quality to meet international standards.
The supreme authority of the union is the annual general meeting (AGM) which comprises of delegates elected from affiliate member co-operative organisations and groups. The AGM periodically elects the management board which oversees the day to day activities of the union and delegates the same to the employees under the leadership of the CEO.
The Union is trading internationally under WFTO in marketing of handicrafts and has its coffee products under the following certifications; FLO, UTZ and CAFE
MCU offers the following services to its affiliates:
- Marketing
- Bookkeeping & accountancy
- Insurance consultancy and advisory services
- Cooperative education and training for capacity building
- Lobbying and advocacy
- ICT application and support services
- Linkages & networking of development partners to our affiliates
- Formation of village savings and loan associations
- Internal audit services
- Merchandise stores
- Agronomy services
- Transport services
- Research and value addition to affiliate products

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