Meru Coffee Millers Cooperative Union Limited
Meru Coffee Millers Cooperative Union Limited (MCMCU) is a farmers Union located in Meru County. MCMCU is represented by a total of 48 primary cooperatives. These cooperatives represent approximately 98,000 coffee farmers, all located on and around the Volcanic slopes of Mt. Kenya, called by some experts ‘The Champagne Region of Coffee’.
MCMCU is the only farmer-led and famer-owned Coffee Miller’s Co-operative Union in Kenya that has both milling and marketing licence, hence, it is able to participate in the National Coffee Auction (NCE) and sell coffee directly to international buyers. This guarantees fair prices for our farmers. MCMCU works with several International buyers from, amongst others: Europe, The United States of America and South-Korea
Coffee Milling
We offer quality milling services to more than forty societies in the larger meru county
Coffee Marketing
We offer to our farmers extension services such farmer training, farm inputs among other
Coffee Marketing
We are the only coffee milling cooperative in Kenya licensed to sell coffee on behalf of societies.